
Connection establishment

You can establish the connection via asyncpgx.create_pool or asyncpgx.connect functions. They have the same API as the original ones:


import asyncpgx

async def main():
    connection: asyncpgx.ConnectionX = await asyncpgx.connect('postgresql://')
    # original API stays the same
    await connection.execute('''CREATE TABLE test (id int PRIMARY KEY, test_1 varchar (256), test_2 varchar (256))''')

    # new connection methods
    await connection.named_execute(
        'INSERT INTO test(id, test_1, test_2) VALUES (:id, :test_1, :test_2);', {'id': 1, 'test_1': '1', 'test_2': '2'}
    await connection.named_executemany(
        'INSERT INTO test(id, test_1, test_2) VALUES (:id, :test_1, :test_2);',
            {'id': 1, 'test_1': '1', 'test_2': '1'},
            {'id': 2, 'test_1': '2', 'test_2': '2'},
            {'id': 3, 'test_1': '3', 'test_2': '3'},
    await connection.named_fetch('SELECT id, test_1, test_2 FROM test WHERE id=:id;', {'id': 2})
    await connection.named_fetchval('SELECT id, test_1, test_2 FROM test WHERE id=:id;', {'id': 2}, column=0)
    await connection.named_fetchrow(
        'SELECT id, test_1, test_2 FROM test WHERE id=:id;',
        {'id': 2},
    async with connection.transaction():
        async for row in connection.named_cursor(
            'SELECT id, test_1, test_2 FROM test WHERE test_1=:test_1', {'test_1': '2'}

    # new prepared statements methods
    prepared_statement = await connection.named_prepare('''SELECT id, test_1, test_2 FROM test WHERE id=:id;''')
    async with connection.transaction():
        async for row in prepared_statement.named_cursor({'test_1': '2'}):
    await prepared_statement.named_fetch({'id': 1})
    await prepared_statement.named_fetchval({'id': 2}, column=1)
    await prepared_statement.named_fetchrow({'id': 2})